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Welcome! If you just want to improve an existing character, feel free to open a PR.

If you want to add a new character, it's mostly up to my interest whether I accept it or not.

However, here are a few types that are explicitly not accepted:

  1. Male Characters.
  2. Realistic Characters, this repository only contains fictional characters.
  3. HoYoverse Characters, since there are already plenty of them online, I don't think more are needed.


Contributions of original characters are not accepted at this time.

Touhou Project


For the Touhou Project character, I'd suggest referencing EraTohoTW.

But please try to avoid using "口上(Kōjō)" directly. if you use, make sure that the license (./ERB/口上・メッセージ関連/個人口上/**/ライセンステンプレ.txt) allows for both "era 以外への流用" and "二次創作".

Visual Novel


Use official Twitter avatars whenever possible, products with official English translations are preferred.

For PLists, it is recommended to refer to the vndb characters page.

When contributing a character, please make sure you have purchased the corresponding game.

If I receive a DMCA takedown notice, I will remove the character as requested.


The avatar of contributor named as 藍+85CD 藍+85CD
